DTS Rewards Program
Purchase an intraoral scanner and you could receive more than £7,200 rebate credit* each year off your lab account!
For more information regarding this offer please call 0141 556 5619 or email digital@dts-international.com
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*Terms and Conditions: 1) Rebate credit is based on your monthly spend with Dental Technology Services 2) Rebate credit amount will beavailable at the beginning of the following month 3) Each calendar month is evaluated separately, in isolation to other months 4) This offer is non-transferable to other goods or services or cash 5) To qualify you must be up to date with your monthly laboratory services billing. Credit rebate will not be credited if payment terms exceed statement date +30 days 6) Offer last for 36 months from scanner purchase date 7) This offer can not be used in conjunction with any existing discount. 8) Rebate credit can only be allocated to new invoices after date of rebate itself and cannot be used against historic invoices.